Sunday, October 9, 2011

CLASS REUNION ~ 50th ~ Garfield High School Class of 1961

If your high school class is fortunate to have a 50th year reunion, make sure you GO to it!  My class had our's last night at the The Venetian on River Road in Garfield, New Jersey.   We had a nice turn out, the buffet was hugh and the drinks and dessert was outrageous.  We danced to "OUR" Music and reacquainted with each other.   I speak for myself....I had a great time; but I left there with a sadness in my heart by knowing that this day had passed....and I might never again laugh and joke with these childhood friends again.   We were the survivors of our Class...some 50 odd had already left the earth plane.  There were many surprises in the names written on our wall of memorial.  We remembered them ...  for that is all we can do ...  and as it was said, we are a bit older, but wiser; a little grayer, but we earned it; mellowed and possibly a bit slower, but we're fast enough for us; for 50 years after graduation brought us to this night.

So special thanks to our committee: Larry & Elaine, Annette, Dolores, Marilyn and Gail for the great job they all did putting this Gala Affair On.   Thanks for all the out of towners that showed up...that covers most of us there last night.  A wonderful night and Carpe Diem to all of us, for today, tomorrow and forever!

A toast to the Class of 1961!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


1.  First begin by calming your mind.  Forgive people for all real & imagined hurts.  Visualize all negative thought energy as black.  Think of a vacuum cleaner moving from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet: Sucking up and pushing out of your body ALL the darkness from pain and hurt of whatever disease is manifested in your body.

2.  Create a light blue halo above your head (representing your spirit guide) whom you call upon for help - while sending out loving thoughts.  Spend five mins. concentrating on your breathing in & out.  Harmonize your breathing with the rhythm of your body/heart beat.

3.  Visualize your white blood cells as bubbles and move them inside and all around your body ... see them attacking and killing all the black cancer cells, dissolving them.

4. If you are receiving chemo support this treatment by sending out Lavender color ~ as an infrared heat lamp to all parts of your body.

5.  Now send out the color green for healing the damaged cells from the effects of the cancer.   Use the color blue of your spirit guide intermittently during the difficult times.  Pick your own shade and think of the green as a flowing liquid mending your insides.

6.  Your last step is to create the blue halo around your head to sustain mental strength and courage over a weakened body.  Expand IT around yourself as a body shield.  Think of yourself as totally healed and close by repeating the mantra ~ HEAL, HEAL, HEALED and you are!