Thursday, December 20, 2012

The News...End of the Year...2012

It has been awhile since I have blogged, so I felt it was about time I said a few words.

The past two months have been a roller coaster ride; on all wide, country much transpired ...  and so it has been reflective in my personal life.   I am sure everyone can relate to this.  The weather has been playing havoc to our environment.   So many super storms.  The New Jersey coastline was ravaged by Sandy.  Homes were destroyed, the beach streets looked like a war zone.  Homes, boats, bridges were uplifted as the Atlantic Ocean reconstructed its boundaries.  The waters have receded but the damages are still there and will be for sometime to come.

That Hurricane named Sandy packed a terrible punch ... even Northern NJ was hit with wild winds and our forests show the damage.  Down trees all over.  My home went through this unscathed but I lost about eight huge trees.  Electricity was down for a few weeks as the Electric Company called extra contractors to help reset the electric grid.  Telephone communication and computers were affected also.   This was a wake up call to all of us!  We were thrown back into time, so to speak, into a different age before all our media coverage.  I at least own a portable radio, so I was able to hear some news.   Even my cell phone tower was not operating near my home.   Thank goodness we are resilient people...we made it through but what would we have done if this lasted longer?  I can't even think of that..for it would be horrendous.

This past week another "Sandy" hit and knocked us all off guard.  December 14, 2012 a unstabled person entered a school in Newtown, Conn. and shot and killed young children and some of their teachers.  I will not list names because it will serve no purpose to my accounting of this event.  The world was in could this happen, with safeguards in place, this shooter got into Sandy Hook elementary school and perpetrated this crime.

Today on the Long Island Expressway a 20 car pile up.   One casualty and 14+ people taken to the hospitals.   What is it?  Are people so into themselves that they can not pay attention?  Don't know all the details...but more havoc abounds.

I know stay positive...Laugh, Love, Live!  A promise of utopia, but the signs all around us are extremely grim.

*A message from my Archangel RA-el   ...  Be Not Afraid!

**me:   Okay I'm not afraid of the future, for it will take care of itself.  I know that everyone will be in the right place at the right time.  It's just that I'm getting shell shock with all the bad things that are happening, as are so many people.   I know where to turn to; I go into my heart and I know that where ever I am; I'm okay.

**Archangel RA-el:  You will show the way to others; by what you do and what you say.  But you already know that, you were trained for this path.  Accept this and do not let your thoughts become bogged down by your tears.   Send forth the Christ Light from your heart to the hearts of others, that is all you can do...for the path has been set and many will return to spirit.   As you were told .. "You will return to earth, but only for a "short time"; then you shall come back here to me, and ALL things shall be accomplished."

***me:  Yes I remember.  Thank you.