Hi bloggers, it's been quite sometime since I last wrote down my thoughts. Some people would ask me why I stopped and my answer would be I really had nothing of importance to write down. My life just got so busy with taking care of my Mom's financial business as she is 95 years old. I really don't want to write about that adventure; however I will say it is very hard to see your Mom getting old and watching her adjust to a new environment.
This past September I fractured my left shoulder. So now I am in physical therapy three times a week. I am also a breast cancer survivor and I have had to visit a whole lot of physicians for follow ups. I am glad that all things are stable in my physical body.
It seems like all I do is visit doctors. Tomorrow I go in for an ultrasound. Hopefully this will come out normal; but I am not a normal person, so who knows.
To say I have been hiding out of the limelight would be a good way to address my behavior.
The times we are living through are the most eventful and fast moving times, I believe, in the history of the earth. There are many souls that are leaving the earth realm; many disasters are happening on every level of our living planet. Some are man-made, others are natural. The land we are standing on is not as stable as it once was.
So with that being said, what can we earthlings do about it. In truth....Nothing. We are as much the victim as the victorious. We are here in our physical bodies until the trumpet roars; and we are once again released into our natural abode - the spiritual dimension. All we can do is wait and live out our dreams.