It has been awhile since I have blogged, so I felt it was about time I said a few words.
The past two months have been a roller coaster ride; on all wide, country much transpired ... and so it has been reflective in my personal life. I am sure everyone can relate to this. The weather has been playing havoc to our environment. So many super storms. The New Jersey coastline was ravaged by Sandy. Homes were destroyed, the beach streets looked like a war zone. Homes, boats, bridges were uplifted as the Atlantic Ocean reconstructed its boundaries. The waters have receded but the damages are still there and will be for sometime to come.
That Hurricane named Sandy packed a terrible punch ... even Northern NJ was hit with wild winds and our forests show the damage. Down trees all over. My home went through this unscathed but I lost about eight huge trees. Electricity was down for a few weeks as the Electric Company called extra contractors to help reset the electric grid. Telephone communication and computers were affected also. This was a wake up call to all of us! We were thrown back into time, so to speak, into a different age before all our media coverage. I at least own a portable radio, so I was able to hear some news. Even my cell phone tower was not operating near my home. Thank goodness we are resilient people...we made it through but what would we have done if this lasted longer? I can't even think of that..for it would be horrendous.
This past week another "Sandy" hit and knocked us all off guard. December 14, 2012 a unstabled person entered a school in Newtown, Conn. and shot and killed young children and some of their teachers. I will not list names because it will serve no purpose to my accounting of this event. The world was in could this happen, with safeguards in place, this shooter got into Sandy Hook elementary school and perpetrated this crime.
Today on the Long Island Expressway a 20 car pile up. One casualty and 14+ people taken to the hospitals. What is it? Are people so into themselves that they can not pay attention? Don't know all the details...but more havoc abounds.
I know stay positive...Laugh, Love, Live! A promise of utopia, but the signs all around us are extremely grim.
*A message from my Archangel RA-el ... Be Not Afraid!
**me: Okay I'm not afraid of the future, for it will take care of itself. I know that everyone will be in the right place at the right time. It's just that I'm getting shell shock with all the bad things that are happening, as are so many people. I know where to turn to; I go into my heart and I know that where ever I am; I'm okay.
**Archangel RA-el: You will show the way to others; by what you do and what you say. But you already know that, you were trained for this path. Accept this and do not let your thoughts become bogged down by your tears. Send forth the Christ Light from your heart to the hearts of others, that is all you can do...for the path has been set and many will return to spirit. As you were told .. "You will return to earth, but only for a "short time"; then you shall come back here to me, and ALL things shall be accomplished."
***me: Yes I remember. Thank you.
May this blog be a place where people come to post their thoughts, ask interesting questions, or just to say hello. As I read various books, I will post a book review for your information. I will share places that I have visited and people I have met. Thank you for joining me.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Monday, September 3, 2012
Everyone wants to know where is HEAVEN and HOW does one get there? This question has been pondered and analysed ever since man realized he had a Soul, and that "maybe" after the death of the physical body, that Soul, which is Immortal does live on...or actually exist on.
Some people do not believe that the soul exists at all. Maybe in that way of thinking they can fully live this life without "putting off till tomorrow". This thinking frees the mind and permits it to dwell in the present moment. This is not wrong thinking; but perhaps pre-thinking. This thought process was developed prior to the soul's incarnation into the physical body. That soul has a mainstream of thought to finish up what it began and to sort of wrap up it's lives in order to "move on" into different patterns and different circumstances. This is the ending of it's earth KARMA and the graduation into the higher realms of reality.
I have chosen a rather large spectrum of thought to write about: the sights and sounds of Heaven! So as I expound upon this topic of which I have no clear thought path to follow but only the internal ideas that seem to be manifesting as I type out this essay.
I really have no idea of what the sights and sounds of heaven are.... I don't think it's the clouds and Angels floating around with harps...or groups of people just being there chanting or praying. I think each of us manifests our childhood ideas and I think we are content with those images for awhile. But then we begin to move away from the childhood thoughts and we begin to see what we did here on earth with our makes us want to "correct" some of the things we think we DID wrong and we accept what we did well. Mostly we become more aware of who and what we are and why we are.
Some souls are so traumatized by the drama of their last existence that they need lots of time to work through their thought processes. That's not a problem..because heaven has no time blockages and their are no "bosses or deadlines to meet". Complete and absolute freedom. When you begin to send out energy signals your spiritual guide or guides will arrive and you will be reassessed or reprogrammed with the gentle rays of heart/healing light.
The key is "WHEN YOU ARE READY...Your spiritual guides will be there for you."
That is one of the beautiful attributes of heaven.
What are your thoughts on this subject? I would love to hear them.
Some people do not believe that the soul exists at all. Maybe in that way of thinking they can fully live this life without "putting off till tomorrow". This thinking frees the mind and permits it to dwell in the present moment. This is not wrong thinking; but perhaps pre-thinking. This thought process was developed prior to the soul's incarnation into the physical body. That soul has a mainstream of thought to finish up what it began and to sort of wrap up it's lives in order to "move on" into different patterns and different circumstances. This is the ending of it's earth KARMA and the graduation into the higher realms of reality.
I have chosen a rather large spectrum of thought to write about: the sights and sounds of Heaven! So as I expound upon this topic of which I have no clear thought path to follow but only the internal ideas that seem to be manifesting as I type out this essay.
I really have no idea of what the sights and sounds of heaven are.... I don't think it's the clouds and Angels floating around with harps...or groups of people just being there chanting or praying. I think each of us manifests our childhood ideas and I think we are content with those images for awhile. But then we begin to move away from the childhood thoughts and we begin to see what we did here on earth with our makes us want to "correct" some of the things we think we DID wrong and we accept what we did well. Mostly we become more aware of who and what we are and why we are.
Some souls are so traumatized by the drama of their last existence that they need lots of time to work through their thought processes. That's not a problem..because heaven has no time blockages and their are no "bosses or deadlines to meet". Complete and absolute freedom. When you begin to send out energy signals your spiritual guide or guides will arrive and you will be reassessed or reprogrammed with the gentle rays of heart/healing light.
The key is "WHEN YOU ARE READY...Your spiritual guides will be there for you."
That is one of the beautiful attributes of heaven.
What are your thoughts on this subject? I would love to hear them.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Book Review: JOURNEY OF SOULS .... Case Studies of Life between Lives..
Author: Michael Newton, Ph.D.
This is the second book I have read by this author. The first one was: Destiny of Souls, which I found so interesting I decided to read his second book; his third book is : Memories of the I will be pursuing a copy to read shortly.
Dr. Newton sort of discovered upon the progression of souls during his regressions of his clients during hypnotherapy. His aim was to relieve his subjects of various painful situations. He found it hard to believe, at first, that all of his subject cases were relating similar stories. So he began to keep very good case histories. Whether or not you believe these stories is entirely up to you.
Dr. Newton is not promoting these case studies as actual events in time and space; however the similarity of each individual is too hard for him to just pass off as nonsense. In his introduction he states: "The research was painfully slow, but as the body of my cases grew I finally had a working model of the eternal world where our souls live. I found thoughts about the spirit world involve universal truths among the souls of people living on Earth. It was these perceptions by so many different types of people which convinced me their statements were believable. I am not a religious person, but I found the place where we go after death to be one of order and direction and I have come to appreciate that there is a grand design to life and afterlife."
There is so much going on in his books, one has to read them for themselves and make up their own mind to either validate or ignore his studies.
We are energy (souls/spirit) and this energy is eternal; we each have a specific home in the universe where we go after death. I was surprised at the grouping of like grape clusters on a vine, and I am still mulling over much of his books. But I recommend these metaphysical writings to anyone who has ever wondered...What is my purpose in life and how do I achieve my life purpose?
This is a good book for research and study. Remember to accept what you can and if you can't then don't. We are not alone in the spirit world; we are mentored and given the opportunity to grow under the supervision of our Guardian Souls and Master's. We are loved, cherished and given all the opportunities to advance to the next level or just relax....for there is peace and harmony in the afterlife, and we shall all see this for ourselves.
Author: Michael Newton, Ph.D.
This is the second book I have read by this author. The first one was: Destiny of Souls, which I found so interesting I decided to read his second book; his third book is : Memories of the I will be pursuing a copy to read shortly.
Dr. Newton sort of discovered upon the progression of souls during his regressions of his clients during hypnotherapy. His aim was to relieve his subjects of various painful situations. He found it hard to believe, at first, that all of his subject cases were relating similar stories. So he began to keep very good case histories. Whether or not you believe these stories is entirely up to you.
Dr. Newton is not promoting these case studies as actual events in time and space; however the similarity of each individual is too hard for him to just pass off as nonsense. In his introduction he states: "The research was painfully slow, but as the body of my cases grew I finally had a working model of the eternal world where our souls live. I found thoughts about the spirit world involve universal truths among the souls of people living on Earth. It was these perceptions by so many different types of people which convinced me their statements were believable. I am not a religious person, but I found the place where we go after death to be one of order and direction and I have come to appreciate that there is a grand design to life and afterlife."
There is so much going on in his books, one has to read them for themselves and make up their own mind to either validate or ignore his studies.
We are energy (souls/spirit) and this energy is eternal; we each have a specific home in the universe where we go after death. I was surprised at the grouping of like grape clusters on a vine, and I am still mulling over much of his books. But I recommend these metaphysical writings to anyone who has ever wondered...What is my purpose in life and how do I achieve my life purpose?
This is a good book for research and study. Remember to accept what you can and if you can't then don't. We are not alone in the spirit world; we are mentored and given the opportunity to grow under the supervision of our Guardian Souls and Master's. We are loved, cherished and given all the opportunities to advance to the next level or just relax....for there is peace and harmony in the afterlife, and we shall all see this for ourselves.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
I have come to the conclusion that no one wants to hear your woe's.
People listen, but while you are talking they aren't really hearing you. Their mind goes on a "safari"; they are thinking about...what recipe they will try; isn't that guy/girl pretty; wonder where she bought that dress or shoes; hope she paid a sale price. Did I pull the plug on the toaster; set the oven automatic shut off; and a million other things. Oh, they make odd jesters; like nod their head...voice a few oral hum's...make you feel that they are listening. But you know better; because when they talk you do the same thing. Makes someone feel really bad, especially when they look back and review the conversation. I know this first hand; because I have been stopped in midair about to say something about a health issue and got cut off, by of all people, a favorite relative.
The younger generation doesn't want advice about their life style...even if you advice is coming from your own experience and your concern that perhaps sometime down the line, your bloodline may have to deal with medical problems you are dealing with. This happened to me almost a week ago; and maybe my ego was injured in the process. But when I remember the incident I realize I am wounded by the remarks. In my mind, I say to myself she was just kidding..but my sensors tell me differently.
I know I have to stuff these feelings down...hide them...especially from myself. A good Christian would say ... put it in God's hands. But I know me...I will give up to God...and at a later date..I WILL make my feeling known.
I'm writing my feelings down...hoping that this will release me from the hurt that I have felt...but the TRUTH is no one really cares about your hurt; because all of us are dealing with our own life problems.
So in the long run, each of us has been hurt some deeper than others...and we need to FORGIVE first our self for holding on to the pain and others for NOT REALIZING they have HURT someone else.
People listen, but while you are talking they aren't really hearing you. Their mind goes on a "safari"; they are thinking about...what recipe they will try; isn't that guy/girl pretty; wonder where she bought that dress or shoes; hope she paid a sale price. Did I pull the plug on the toaster; set the oven automatic shut off; and a million other things. Oh, they make odd jesters; like nod their head...voice a few oral hum's...make you feel that they are listening. But you know better; because when they talk you do the same thing. Makes someone feel really bad, especially when they look back and review the conversation. I know this first hand; because I have been stopped in midair about to say something about a health issue and got cut off, by of all people, a favorite relative.
The younger generation doesn't want advice about their life style...even if you advice is coming from your own experience and your concern that perhaps sometime down the line, your bloodline may have to deal with medical problems you are dealing with. This happened to me almost a week ago; and maybe my ego was injured in the process. But when I remember the incident I realize I am wounded by the remarks. In my mind, I say to myself she was just kidding..but my sensors tell me differently.
I know I have to stuff these feelings down...hide them...especially from myself. A good Christian would say ... put it in God's hands. But I know me...I will give up to God...and at a later date..I WILL make my feeling known.
I'm writing my feelings down...hoping that this will release me from the hurt that I have felt...but the TRUTH is no one really cares about your hurt; because all of us are dealing with our own life problems.
So in the long run, each of us has been hurt some deeper than others...and we need to FORGIVE first our self for holding on to the pain and others for NOT REALIZING they have HURT someone else.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Everyday we are surrounded by events. Some are good and some aren't. We find we are pushed to experience the world ... by the media. We watch in awe of the good events and horrified by the bad.
We have become addicted to the news reports and find our conversations are mostly about the events of the day or the unfolding events of the week. We form our opinions based on these reports also. However, do we see the whole picture or are we just viewing and forming opinions just for the sake of others; or are we just being brainwashed into believing what we are viewing?
This is the world of the 21st Century, in which we are constantly being bombarded with various thought concepts.
Did we actually land a vehicle on Mars? Are UFO's real? What about crop circles, what's that all about? Geometrical signs. Hugh cloud formations, changing weather patterns? So many questions.
What I think is we should just turn down the volume, go into the stillness that is you, and relax, breath, quiet your mind. I am writing this mainly for myself. I know I don't have all the answers to these questions and perhaps it is better that way. I think therefore I am.
We were born to think, to create, to feel others pain, to synthesize the emotions of this world. So we are creatures of this planet, here to learn and experience various events. Your path is different than mine and yet it is still the same for we shall all finish where we began, and maybe to do it all again and again until we learn the truth and move on. We move on when we want to, when we tire of the struggles of this human condition; and want to just be spirits again. I know I am ready to move on to experience the peace and unconditional love that is ours, waiting once again for our return into the spiritual realms. But, always that but, we each have sort of contracted to be here on earth for a short time until our return. Each one of us has a different contract to fulfill and only your soul and your guides know what that entails. So be of good faith, laugh, love, live...until your time is completed.
Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts!
We have become addicted to the news reports and find our conversations are mostly about the events of the day or the unfolding events of the week. We form our opinions based on these reports also. However, do we see the whole picture or are we just viewing and forming opinions just for the sake of others; or are we just being brainwashed into believing what we are viewing?
This is the world of the 21st Century, in which we are constantly being bombarded with various thought concepts.
Did we actually land a vehicle on Mars? Are UFO's real? What about crop circles, what's that all about? Geometrical signs. Hugh cloud formations, changing weather patterns? So many questions.
What I think is we should just turn down the volume, go into the stillness that is you, and relax, breath, quiet your mind. I am writing this mainly for myself. I know I don't have all the answers to these questions and perhaps it is better that way. I think therefore I am.
We were born to think, to create, to feel others pain, to synthesize the emotions of this world. So we are creatures of this planet, here to learn and experience various events. Your path is different than mine and yet it is still the same for we shall all finish where we began, and maybe to do it all again and again until we learn the truth and move on. We move on when we want to, when we tire of the struggles of this human condition; and want to just be spirits again. I know I am ready to move on to experience the peace and unconditional love that is ours, waiting once again for our return into the spiritual realms. But, always that but, we each have sort of contracted to be here on earth for a short time until our return. Each one of us has a different contract to fulfill and only your soul and your guides know what that entails. So be of good faith, laugh, love, live...until your time is completed.
Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
What's Up with this world????
So today I am wondering: what's up with this world? Innocent families going to the movies for a night out to watch a new movie are victims of a young man, with so much promise for a future, decides to use his crazy antics to kill and maim so many others. I can't seem to put my mind around the WHY's of such an act of violence.
I'm sure he knew WHY he was doing this...but it had nothing to do with the reality of the world I live in.
This brings much sadness to my heart and I'm sure to many others too!
So for all the people touched by the awful event, I say a prayer that they not lose their FAITH in the human kingdom; this too shall pass. I want to erase this event from my consciousness but that would be just as bad. We can not run away from the it is...but with the GRACE of God we can move forward and try to make some sense out of this event, and use the knowledge from this event to see that it doesn't happen again!
Something went very wrong ... and someone... somewhere should have picked up on this man's actions...long before this event happened.
We need to make friends...and notice...if they are suffering in silence about something. Perhaps some kindness could have changed the awful events from happening. I don't know, but I do know that IF someone asks for help; they should be directed to a area where they can receive it.
I'm sure he knew WHY he was doing this...but it had nothing to do with the reality of the world I live in.
This brings much sadness to my heart and I'm sure to many others too!
So for all the people touched by the awful event, I say a prayer that they not lose their FAITH in the human kingdom; this too shall pass. I want to erase this event from my consciousness but that would be just as bad. We can not run away from the it is...but with the GRACE of God we can move forward and try to make some sense out of this event, and use the knowledge from this event to see that it doesn't happen again!
Something went very wrong ... and someone... somewhere should have picked up on this man's actions...long before this event happened.
We need to make friends...and notice...if they are suffering in silence about something. Perhaps some kindness could have changed the awful events from happening. I don't know, but I do know that IF someone asks for help; they should be directed to a area where they can receive it.
Monday, May 21, 2012
There are times in your life where things are seemingly slowing down and you just can't see the changes that are happening to you. You go along living like you have always done; and then something happens. Like a crack in the pattern of your life. You may not even notice it but the change has happened.
You decide to take a different road, try a different store, go to the movies, or maybe just take a walk to the beach. But your path has shifted, you are on a different voyage. Try to enjoy the ride; don't anticipate what will happen, just let it be. In time you will see that the change has occurred and you feel different about life. Your thoughts of yesterday are just memories and your day is new and bright. This is your renewal of your Life Path; and each of us has had this experience or will have one. Your energy has changed and although your pattern of your daily activities may remain the same ... you have had a major or minor renewal.
As you can see during the course of your life there are many such renewals...this is your pattern of growth and the increasing of your awareness of who and why you have been born.
Just for today ... try it.. make a change in your thought pattern...check out that new path and see where it will lead to.
You decide to take a different road, try a different store, go to the movies, or maybe just take a walk to the beach. But your path has shifted, you are on a different voyage. Try to enjoy the ride; don't anticipate what will happen, just let it be. In time you will see that the change has occurred and you feel different about life. Your thoughts of yesterday are just memories and your day is new and bright. This is your renewal of your Life Path; and each of us has had this experience or will have one. Your energy has changed and although your pattern of your daily activities may remain the same ... you have had a major or minor renewal.
As you can see during the course of your life there are many such renewals...this is your pattern of growth and the increasing of your awareness of who and why you have been born.
Just for today ... try it.. make a change in your thought pattern...check out that new path and see where it will lead to.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
A POT OF GOLD ~ 6-12-1975
In this long plan
Laid before all Man
The Path was set
In this challenged Land.
The Rainbow seals
A promised Land
Nor Pot of Gold
Shall be unfold
Without a thought of men of Old.
The Land lies there
Sometimes in VEIL
Along some brook
Or in a deal.
Look around
Look up
Look down
Look deep
and it shall soon be found.
In days of OLD
No one known
That man possessed a Spirit of Soul,
Life they thought
Just began
It knew no plan
of all on hand.
No seed
Did they understand
No atom
In a land of MAN.
Some men searched
For not in vain
Many suffered undo pain
Some founded Church
and In they lurched.
I can not end
This song of old
Without a thought
Of our Men born BOLD.
Many faces
March on by
A few I place
A few I try.
It is not for me
To try to BE
A person held on high
For all of US
Have found a place
Author: RoseAnn Procopio
Laid before all Man
The Path was set
In this challenged Land.
The Rainbow seals
A promised Land
Nor Pot of Gold
Shall be unfold
Without a thought of men of Old.
The Land lies there
Sometimes in VEIL
Along some brook
Or in a deal.
Look around
Look up
Look down
Look deep
and it shall soon be found.
In days of OLD
No one known
That man possessed a Spirit of Soul,
Life they thought
Just began
It knew no plan
of all on hand.
No seed
Did they understand
No atom
In a land of MAN.
Some men searched
For not in vain
Many suffered undo pain
Some founded Church
and In they lurched.
I can not end
This song of old
Without a thought
Of our Men born BOLD.
Many faces
March on by
A few I place
A few I try.
It is not for me
To try to BE
A person held on high
For all of US
Have found a place
Author: RoseAnn Procopio
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
There have been moments when people feel the world stood still. They have ushered in many actual occurrences in our life's. Probably the first was our moment of birth. Most people will never remember this actual event; some people claim they do. I am not here to argue that point; but just to remind people that the world does stand still in your life. Other moments that make me believe the stillness of Mother Earth, is at a special a graduation speech; or any speech for that matter. The silence before a storm; the stillness as the wind seems to stop; and breath in; before the winds kick up and the trees bend from it's gusts. In the stillness of the night; when you watch your baby breathe or the face of your loved one silently sleeping. In the soft sounds of the waves as they roll into the rocks...gently rocking the boats from side to side.
Yes, the world stands still, as you contemplate it's depth of meaning. It's meaning is so different to me as it is to you. That is the beauty of this world, it's complexity. My world is much different today than it was yesterday; as your world too has changed.
Some ideas need to stand still; and be tested by the winds of change and the stillness of your mind. You may ask what idea's are these; and I can only answer the idea's that I question ... for my world and your world are not the same world. Our perceptions are different! The colors that I see, for example, are not the same colors that you see. So too are the people of the earth; for they come in all colors too. Again our perceptions are different. That's what makes this World so Special and it occupants, special too.
I think that at the moment of our death; the world will also stand still! For your perception will be on the spiritual path before you. We think of death as an ending; but in essence it is the continuation of your life. The earth journey will have ended but you the spiritual being will still exist and still experience the wonder of the universe. Many paths have crossed here on this earth journey, some will have ended and some will continue on. This is your spiritual pathway to the infinite conception; and it's journey takes many twists and turns; but you will remember this "When the World Stood Still."
Yes, the world stands still, as you contemplate it's depth of meaning. It's meaning is so different to me as it is to you. That is the beauty of this world, it's complexity. My world is much different today than it was yesterday; as your world too has changed.
Some ideas need to stand still; and be tested by the winds of change and the stillness of your mind. You may ask what idea's are these; and I can only answer the idea's that I question ... for my world and your world are not the same world. Our perceptions are different! The colors that I see, for example, are not the same colors that you see. So too are the people of the earth; for they come in all colors too. Again our perceptions are different. That's what makes this World so Special and it occupants, special too.
I think that at the moment of our death; the world will also stand still! For your perception will be on the spiritual path before you. We think of death as an ending; but in essence it is the continuation of your life. The earth journey will have ended but you the spiritual being will still exist and still experience the wonder of the universe. Many paths have crossed here on this earth journey, some will have ended and some will continue on. This is your spiritual pathway to the infinite conception; and it's journey takes many twists and turns; but you will remember this "When the World Stood Still."
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
I dreamt of you last night, my love.
Your arms held me so tight.
We were together again, free and young
to romp among the meadows and hide among the trees.
The sky was blue with fluffy clouds, as white as new fallen snow.
The heaven's smiled down so bright; as you smiled back again.
There was so much strength in your stride as we walked along together.
Time stood still, as I watched with thrill.
We embraced and all the world stood still.
Twilight filtered thru, the stars shone bright on high,
as we gazed into the sky.
We spoke not..for sound could not be found
Our bodies stayed; but our minds drifted far away.
For that short time, as the hours swept by,
Our spirit knew that time means nothing at all;
It exist's not.
Somewhere in the universe, although I know not;
We shall meet again. My dearest friend and I shall
Know you and we shall both be Free!
~RoseAnn Procopio~
Typed: 5-2-2012
Your arms held me so tight.
We were together again, free and young
to romp among the meadows and hide among the trees.
The sky was blue with fluffy clouds, as white as new fallen snow.
The heaven's smiled down so bright; as you smiled back again.
There was so much strength in your stride as we walked along together.
Time stood still, as I watched with thrill.
We embraced and all the world stood still.
Twilight filtered thru, the stars shone bright on high,
as we gazed into the sky.
We spoke not..for sound could not be found
Our bodies stayed; but our minds drifted far away.
For that short time, as the hours swept by,
Our spirit knew that time means nothing at all;
It exist's not.
Somewhere in the universe, although I know not;
We shall meet again. My dearest friend and I shall
Know you and we shall both be Free!
~RoseAnn Procopio~
Typed: 5-2-2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
THOUGHTS ~ March 30, 2012
I had some new thoughts in my mind this morning, and I should have written them down. But, alas, I didn't and I can't remember what they were. So I thought I would just type and see what comes out of my inspirational mind.
Everyone in the New York/ New Jersey is having lottery fever. The prize has escalated to 640 Million Dollars. The Largest ever winning for Mega Millions Jackpot. I bought a few can't win it .. IF your not in it!
It's nice to dream about what would you do IF you won that jackpot. That is a lot of money. I would love to win it! Pay off bills. Fix up my home. Buy a new car. Travel. Set up trust funds for my grandchildren. Set up a business, or a few businesses. Travel. The list can go on and on! Mainly I would want the money to continue to make money for the future.
I just noticed I wrote Travel down, twice...I guess that is what I want to do most. Visit different places in the world.
I am not selfish so I would share money with various charities, after setting up more trust funds. I know people say they have to go into hiding for awhile to get away from the hoards of people that will be coming out of the wood works clambering for a piece of your pie. I know my grandkids will have paid up college fees, but only if they finish their studies. This would be a dream come true!
Wouldn't it be nice to be on top of the to do everything you want without the fear of not having enough funds to meet your monthly bills.
I AM ready for the challenge, and I AM already rich in LOVE and add unlimited financial bliss would be the icing on the cake.
This is the ultimate honor of the UNIVERSE to allow me unlimited financial ability to my journey here on earth. I AM that I AM. Thank you and many blessing to all! I AM ready to be tested. ^i^
Everyone in the New York/ New Jersey is having lottery fever. The prize has escalated to 640 Million Dollars. The Largest ever winning for Mega Millions Jackpot. I bought a few can't win it .. IF your not in it!
It's nice to dream about what would you do IF you won that jackpot. That is a lot of money. I would love to win it! Pay off bills. Fix up my home. Buy a new car. Travel. Set up trust funds for my grandchildren. Set up a business, or a few businesses. Travel. The list can go on and on! Mainly I would want the money to continue to make money for the future.
I just noticed I wrote Travel down, twice...I guess that is what I want to do most. Visit different places in the world.
I am not selfish so I would share money with various charities, after setting up more trust funds. I know people say they have to go into hiding for awhile to get away from the hoards of people that will be coming out of the wood works clambering for a piece of your pie. I know my grandkids will have paid up college fees, but only if they finish their studies. This would be a dream come true!
Wouldn't it be nice to be on top of the to do everything you want without the fear of not having enough funds to meet your monthly bills.
I AM ready for the challenge, and I AM already rich in LOVE and add unlimited financial bliss would be the icing on the cake.
This is the ultimate honor of the UNIVERSE to allow me unlimited financial ability to my journey here on earth. I AM that I AM. Thank you and many blessing to all! I AM ready to be tested. ^i^
Saturday, February 25, 2012
I wanted to write "Where will you be in the next One Hundred Years!" Answer: Dead. So I'll change it to the next fifty years...although I'll probably be dead anyway. 69 + 50 = 119 (Maybe?) People are living longer and longer these days.
In my high school days we had to write a composition on What would the Year 2000 be like. That was in 1961 and at the age of 18...I could not even imagine that. But it is now 2012; and I am still here. The projections were space travel, moving sidewalks, cars that flew above the roadways...not just the ones that FLY on the roads. Cities enclosed in domes. Robotic police patrolling the cities. Camera's watching the roadways, and streets of the cities. Outrageous clothing, well we did accomplish that one! Technical advances in the Medical of the chromosomes, the pathway of life itself. Telephones that can see you as you talk to someone on the other side of the world. Our cars are now talking to us, and parking themselves. We have weapons that can destroy our world ... and we pray that they are not put into the hands of a madman. We live on the edge...always looking to do it faster, bigger, better. A world that, in my opinion is spiraling out of control.
We look to a GOD to save us; and do nothing to save ourselves. We were given the keys of life and the brains of a snail. (Does a snail have a brain?) People that are trying to change the world and bring peace into it are looked upon as "crazy"... while our scientist are trying to recreate life in a laboratory, and produce food that is unnatural to our bodies.
This is the world of the future, based on what we thought we could accomplish as a teenager. So the world of the future based on the projections of the year 1961...has meet some of its predictions and some that we couldn't even fathom during our teen years. Are we happy with it, have we found the utopia that we imagined? It hasn't all been BAD but IT COULD and SHOULD have been BETTER! Time is still on our side ... so hopefully the Children of the 80's and 90's have a new vision for the betterment of the World we all live in.
Peace, Light and ALL the Children of the Millennium!
In my high school days we had to write a composition on What would the Year 2000 be like. That was in 1961 and at the age of 18...I could not even imagine that. But it is now 2012; and I am still here. The projections were space travel, moving sidewalks, cars that flew above the roadways...not just the ones that FLY on the roads. Cities enclosed in domes. Robotic police patrolling the cities. Camera's watching the roadways, and streets of the cities. Outrageous clothing, well we did accomplish that one! Technical advances in the Medical of the chromosomes, the pathway of life itself. Telephones that can see you as you talk to someone on the other side of the world. Our cars are now talking to us, and parking themselves. We have weapons that can destroy our world ... and we pray that they are not put into the hands of a madman. We live on the edge...always looking to do it faster, bigger, better. A world that, in my opinion is spiraling out of control.
We look to a GOD to save us; and do nothing to save ourselves. We were given the keys of life and the brains of a snail. (Does a snail have a brain?) People that are trying to change the world and bring peace into it are looked upon as "crazy"... while our scientist are trying to recreate life in a laboratory, and produce food that is unnatural to our bodies.
This is the world of the future, based on what we thought we could accomplish as a teenager. So the world of the future based on the projections of the year 1961...has meet some of its predictions and some that we couldn't even fathom during our teen years. Are we happy with it, have we found the utopia that we imagined? It hasn't all been BAD but IT COULD and SHOULD have been BETTER! Time is still on our side ... so hopefully the Children of the 80's and 90's have a new vision for the betterment of the World we all live in.
Peace, Light and ALL the Children of the Millennium!
Friday, February 24, 2012
To be in this world and not part of this world, is a very hard thing to accomplish, and yet, it is very possible. How does one do this, you might ask? The sages and holy people of all religious belief systems have already accomplished this. Instead of tuning into the media blitz we need to tune it out. Guess what, this world can really function without your input. Hard to imagine, one might say.
I personally have been living without paid television. Did you know that if you hook up an antennae and a converter can see free television. There may only be a few stations out there; but you can get television. It became too costly for me to continue paying the high prices for cable television so I dropped out. I just get my internet service.
I am happy too because my youth years were so radically different from today's youth. We weren't bogged down with all these new state of the art devices. If we went to a dance, after school game, practice, a meeting with our friends...we walked. Mostly we were in groups; but our parents didn't drive us around like today's teenagers and our gasoline prices were about 18 cents a gallon then. Unheard of in this day and age..where our gasoline prices are almost reaching 5.00 a gallon; and parents are still driving the kids around. Mainly because our children go so much further than staying in town.
Life in the 21st Century is still changing and evolving; sometimes it feels like I have lost my comfort zone. My one big excuse is "I'm OLD." Well I really March I will turn 69. Another milestone. How are you coping in these changing times?
I personally have been living without paid television. Did you know that if you hook up an antennae and a converter can see free television. There may only be a few stations out there; but you can get television. It became too costly for me to continue paying the high prices for cable television so I dropped out. I just get my internet service.
I am happy too because my youth years were so radically different from today's youth. We weren't bogged down with all these new state of the art devices. If we went to a dance, after school game, practice, a meeting with our friends...we walked. Mostly we were in groups; but our parents didn't drive us around like today's teenagers and our gasoline prices were about 18 cents a gallon then. Unheard of in this day and age..where our gasoline prices are almost reaching 5.00 a gallon; and parents are still driving the kids around. Mainly because our children go so much further than staying in town.
Life in the 21st Century is still changing and evolving; sometimes it feels like I have lost my comfort zone. My one big excuse is "I'm OLD." Well I really March I will turn 69. Another milestone. How are you coping in these changing times?
Sunday, February 5, 2012
TEARS ~ 2/5/12
original poem: by RoseAnn Procopio
original poem: by RoseAnn Procopio
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into the minds of humans.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into the hearts of humans.
May Christ return to Earth.
From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of humans -
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the center which we call the human race
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where darkness dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into the minds of humans.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into the hearts of humans.
May Christ return to Earth.
From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of humans -
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the center which we call the human race
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where darkness dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
LIFE IS A SERIES OF EVENTS. Take them one at a time!
Do you ever feel that you are just WAITING? You are not sure of what you are waiting for but you feel that you are at a standstill...just viewing reality as it passes you by. You look at others and wonder what makes them who they are and you look at yourself and wonder why you are you. Did I miss the boat? Did the others go forward and leave me here, waiting without the knowledge or strength to find the way out of the maze? Somehow all the struggles seem in vain, to what purpose do I attain?
I have neither the strength or the calling to move forward. I find myself in the River of Life, clinging to the wall, not with fear of being sweep away; but without the desire to move ahead. In my heart I know that one cannot just ignore the future; for the seconds and minutes just click on...TIME never sits still NOR does it WAIT for you it has no memory in of itself; but that which you give it. TIME is what it is...and us MORTAL beings watch it and write its history.
I THINK I AM JUST TIRED...tired of trying to figure out the whys and wheres of my life. I am tired of people assessing your value, and having all these IDEA's to HELP you. FOR the moment in TIME I choose to cling to the wall and just let TIME progress without my concepts. I need to REST from the fast pace...and once I am rested I will again venture out into the UNKNOWN. ~ RA PROCOPIO
I have neither the strength or the calling to move forward. I find myself in the River of Life, clinging to the wall, not with fear of being sweep away; but without the desire to move ahead. In my heart I know that one cannot just ignore the future; for the seconds and minutes just click on...TIME never sits still NOR does it WAIT for you it has no memory in of itself; but that which you give it. TIME is what it is...and us MORTAL beings watch it and write its history.
I THINK I AM JUST TIRED...tired of trying to figure out the whys and wheres of my life. I am tired of people assessing your value, and having all these IDEA's to HELP you. FOR the moment in TIME I choose to cling to the wall and just let TIME progress without my concepts. I need to REST from the fast pace...and once I am rested I will again venture out into the UNKNOWN. ~ RA PROCOPIO
Monday, January 23, 2012
On January 23, 1987...during one of the most snowy winters my Husband, My Best Friend, My Lover, My Confidant was taken away from me. Monday makes 25 years that he is gone from my life. I remember the good, the bad, and the beautiful in our relationship. Our Love Story wasn't always a straight run, it took many detours along the way; but we had one constance in it, actually three.. our children, and the fact that under all the clutter that life brings we always had true love.
In 1987 we would have celebrated our 23 Wedding Anniversary; and I remember Frankie telling me well next year we will be celebrating our 25th Silver Wedding Anniversary. That was never to be!
But tomorrow we will celebrate the 25th year of his departure into the spiritual realms. This date is not one of Joy; but sadness ~ and one that I can not wish away, or even ignore, for to ignore it, it would only pass by unnoticed. Believe me, Frank Joseph Procopio was not a person you could ignore...he was all heart and he lived life on his terms.
When he was around there was always laughter and music playing - LOUDLY! Our cars were always spotless, as was his Man Den, the garage. If something needed fixing .. he tinkered and behold it was new again.
There is so much more, but words can not say what is trully in my heart. But HEAR this, Frank I love you today as I did
yesterday. But I know you know that!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Each of us has to face the loss of a personal friend, relative, husband, wife, child, mother, father, brother, sister and each of us has a unique way of dealing with it. There is no right or wrong way. Each person doesn't have the same timeline to deal with the stages of death. So as we are all different, like snowflakes or stars, it just takes time. Some of us are so traumatized by a close death~ we never get over it.
A few days ago I received a call from my cousin ... He gave me the sad news that his sister had passed away. I haven't seen her for many years since she moved to California, but in that instant I remembered so very much about this beautiful soul. To top the news off I had only spoken to her a few short weeks back. My point of reference was in the kind words she related to me ... and how much she loved my Dad, her Uncle and my Mom, her Aunt. I'm sure during our conversation she had no idea that she would be passing over into the eternal realm within 30 some odd days. It was a pleasant conversation and I am honored to have spoken to her.
It is often said how short life is and you should let those that you love know it. My memory is traveling back to events of those childhood days... although she was already a young women when I was a teenager. I remember I use to babysit her two young boys. I remember Christmas Eve celebrations at our Aunts' home. She was the one of the first granddaughter in our family and I was one of the younger cousins. I think growing up I idolized her and wished I could be as beautiful as she was. In our last conversation she commented on how she loved each and everyone of siblings. She was proud of us and she too admired the women we grew into. So our Family Tree has lost another person...which is all part of Our Life Story.
Safe voyage..cuz..until we meet again. RIP Josephine Glorioso Houghtaling. 1/11/12 ^i^
A few days ago I received a call from my cousin ... He gave me the sad news that his sister had passed away. I haven't seen her for many years since she moved to California, but in that instant I remembered so very much about this beautiful soul. To top the news off I had only spoken to her a few short weeks back. My point of reference was in the kind words she related to me ... and how much she loved my Dad, her Uncle and my Mom, her Aunt. I'm sure during our conversation she had no idea that she would be passing over into the eternal realm within 30 some odd days. It was a pleasant conversation and I am honored to have spoken to her.
It is often said how short life is and you should let those that you love know it. My memory is traveling back to events of those childhood days... although she was already a young women when I was a teenager. I remember I use to babysit her two young boys. I remember Christmas Eve celebrations at our Aunts' home. She was the one of the first granddaughter in our family and I was one of the younger cousins. I think growing up I idolized her and wished I could be as beautiful as she was. In our last conversation she commented on how she loved each and everyone of siblings. She was proud of us and she too admired the women we grew into. So our Family Tree has lost another person...which is all part of Our Life Story.
Safe voyage..cuz..until we meet again. RIP Josephine Glorioso Houghtaling. 1/11/12 ^i^
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