10-13-11 11:30 pm NOTES.......
I want to hear from my Blessed Angels tonight. I'm feeling alone and unloved right now.
I am waiting for an Angel message. ~
Angels are spiritual beings created by God ~ to carry messages to humans or other Angels. Some are closer to earth than others. Some never leave their spiritual realm of existence. They just hold up the forces of nature!
We are coming into the time when Angels will be seen, in all their splendor. Maybe -- we are already in that time, because time as we measure it is only here on earth.
Some people look to me as a Spiritual Teacher; but I only tell it like it is!
But this is not about me -- this time is devoted to my angels and what they want me to know. I have so many questions? Are crop circles real or are they a prank? What are there purpose-- to scare humans or to make them think and become aware-- if they weren't a fake then people would have observed the circle being made...Not a mystery to the people who own the farm or live in the area! Just like space beings--who are they -- why do people just catch sightings and again no real proof of their existence! It's like reading a fairy tale, something make-believe.
Then too with angels- why can't they just appear and speak to us, earthlings not just through thoughts...again it seems "not real" -- just an imagination journey.
And while all my thoughts fly by.....I hear the winds blowing outside and the rain pouring down again. Are we in the End Times? I can try to ignore it but it is very hard to. Especially with all the wild weather, increasing earthquakes, strange lights in the sky, and noises emanating from the ground. There is no place to hide, no place to run..just have to stay put and remember that IF the ground opens up under you and the sky falls, and you find yourself looking down from another spot...you will return to your soul's place of origin...in a twinkling of your eye you will be transported into another realm...this present earth body will have died and the essence of you will travel on...For you are not your body, nor your mind...but you are spirit.
time ended 2:31 am Thank you...Rayel. (Seraphim)
NOTES: 10-17-11
Thank you, Trinity, for your many blessings. Thank you for the air I breath and the food I eat. Thank you for my family. Thank you for my Mom & my siblings. Thank you for my Dad, that I admired and loved so much. He wasn't book smart but he was wise. Thank you for all the life lessons I have had and I am still having. Thank you for putting me into this terrific/horrific century of unrest and spiritual advancement. Thank you Blessed Mother for being in my life for nurturing me in spiritual wisdom and for being forever feminine or how you have appeared to the masses and for your tender love always available to each soul here and in the hereafter. Thank you for your gift of love in your son Jesus, who man turned against because of fear -- fear of the unknown. RoseAnn
NOTES: 10-27-11
Who is my Guardian Angel and what is her name? Ans: Joyetta
Thank you. Why do I get so down? Joyetta: Human frailties/ you can't be happy all the time.(laughing)
NOTES: 10-31-11 Halloween Eve time 10:15pm
Why is it that when I sit down and try to talk with my angels my mind goes blank? Perhaps I really don't want to have conversations with angels, or is it because I really don't believe in angels?
Ans. You believe in us; but you don't want anyone to tell you what to do! (giggles)
NOTES: Eve of 11-11-11
People are talking about this really big event. A colossal Star Gate opening, which will bring higher spiritual beings/and energies down to earth- This event they say will elevate our spiritual bodies - allowing our DNA to grow and make way for the raising of consciousness on this planet.
The level of Love energy of oneness will permeate the dimension of this world. Somehow it still feels like a huge cosmic joke, and everyone involved are just kidding themselves to believing in fairy tales.
However, mankind has started to make changes to its awareness and the Earth itself is making larger changes --weather changes - violent storms- meting ice caps- moving earth shifts/continent/axis movement-all happening. Now..
After the earth's upheaval so much devastation will be on earth.
These beings have come to negate big earth imbalances. Not all earthlings will remain here on the new earth. They will be transported to their places of origin.
The earth will not be habitable for sometime after this catalytic event. "Maybe eons." The soul's/rather spirits that are in charge of rehabiltation will then create new lifeforms that the earth can support. Those that are here in physical bodies will return to their spiritual realms. They will judge themselves as to what they have learned in their many incarnations. Some souls will chose to sleep or hibernate for eons until the new earth can be populated again. Others will experience different world's and explore other ideas. Some souls will remain in earth environments- similar too or exactly as they left behind on earth, when the "shift" occurred. Never knowing anything has occurred.
Many will experience the "biblical" heaven and be content for a "very long" time. Remember time exists only here on the physical plane. You are a "complete" being. You do not need to wait or find your mate--You exist in the now and in the universe all at the same time. You are a visitor here. Some are trying to "awaken" others to the understanding of "forever". But each soul/spirit will awaken on their own timeframe. Just follow the Golden Rule.. "Do unto others as you would have it done unto you!" "Do not kill out of anger, do not murder; do not covet." Remember what you cause will have an effect. "Karma." Everything is directed back to you, the sender. Be kind, slow to anger. Feed the poor, House the homeless. Practice good thoughts!
Be thankful for all that you have and give to others from your supply of goods.
You can only take "LOVE" with you when you leave your body behind....Earthly goods remain here!
Blessings from the Universal Guardians.......