Thursday, September 29, 2011

DESTINY OF SOULS ~ Michael Newton, PH.D.

As you can see, I am an avid reader, so here is another book review:    Title: Destiny of Souls by Michael Newton, PH.D.  This is a book about Case Studies of Life between Lives.    Dr. Newton uses hypnosis to regress his patients back into their soul experiences.   Over the years he has compiled many accounts of soul information and he has documented them.  He has noticed a familiarity in what these patients have told him.

He talks about the following subjects:  Our purpose on Earth, Where Souls Go after life, The soul/brain connection, Soulmates and other topics.  You can visit his website:  

We as humans are at the crossroads of our earth experience...we are reviewing our thoughts and our ideas of what life is all about.   Dr. Newton's research is both illuminating and controversial  so I leave this information in your hands to accept or reject his studies.  

Monday, September 26, 2011

Diamonds In the Dust ~ by Shirley Mowat Tucker

This book is a moving story about christian love, forgiveness and faith.  The main character, Mrs. Morgan finds herself as a unwilling foster parent to a group of orphans.  She friends them and becomes involved in a mystery of events that lead her into deeper and deeper involvement with these helpless children.  The book takes on a life of its own and the reader becomes totally involved in this story.  I highly recommend this book to teenagers and adults alike!  Story based on life in South Africa.

This book is the Grand Prize Winner of Athanatos Christian Ministry's First Annual Christian Novel Contest and it is just going into print...I had the honor of receiving a review edition, and submitting a book review.   Look for it coming soon.   Athanatos Publishing Group ISBN 978-0-9822776-9-0

Friday, September 9, 2011


We are in a rather interesting cycle it is called by some as The Awakening, The End Times, The Ascension!  So much fear has been associated with all three of these titles.    My hope is to explain them in a childlike manner.  I am not a fancy scholar and without a dictionary ~ I can't spell too well.   So I ask you to bear all this in mind.  Thank you.

All these titles mean that Our Soul which is eternal is facing Graduation Day.   Each of our bodies has this spirit being inside of us, and it is us.   It is the part that connects us directly to the Infinite One, The One who created us in his likeness.  GOD.

We feel separation and abandonment because we are visiting EARTH in the clay body.   After we were born our soul/spirit was sort of cemented into our body.  Before the soul was totally held captive in our body it could float free and it had a choice to leave the earth vehicle or continue on its earth path with this body that IT chose.  The soul had approximately three months after birth to decide if it would take on this assignment.

In this new millennium, many cycles are ending.   Most of us souls here on earth today, have been waiting for this special time for many eons.   We are immortal beings, God or The Presence, created us and the time for us old souls to move on or to merge in to the Godhead is rapidly approaching.  Everything and everyone in our world and throughout the Universe is also moving up.  Our planet, Earth, is also spiralling upwards so the the next generation of human beings will have increased their mind power.   So this development of the functions of mind will be so amazing, it will enable man to create more powerful and peaceful technologies and they will grow in love and empathy.   Boundaries that the "old world" thinking has will have fallen away and the earth will have renewed its self.  

Again I say this is the natural order of things.   We are all energy in action and we will not fade away or blow away with the ashes of this planet.   There is no running or hiding or taking sides.  There is only GOD and each of us is always within our loving Father/Mother's thoughts.  There will be celebrations and much joy; as we all return to the place of our Soul's origin.  I repeat "there will be celebrations and much joy; as we ALL RETURN to the place of our Soul's origin."    Are we DYING ... yes to the OLD and AWAKENING to the NEW WORLD.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Sometimes in life you get sidestepped, you do this to yourself out of either fear of the unknown outcome or fear of failure.   You put your life on hold with the excuse of your children needing you or your husband's needs.  You really don't realize how much time you are wasting by putting others ahead of your own needs and dreams.  Then finally you have the time to pursue your hopes and dreams and you realize you still can't do it.  You are still hiding away from life; and you are doing it all by yourself.   The dream may still be alive; but your ambition isn' have forgotten HOW TO get it accomplished, so again you sit back and do nothing.

I totally know this is happening to me; and yet I can not figure out how to change this pattern.  Because of this thought pattern I lock myself out of activities with so many excuses,  I have a headache; I don't feel good; I'm tired; too much traffic....the list of excuses goes on and on.

So if you need to get things done; don't read my blog; because I DON"T KNOW HOW!