Wednesday, August 31, 2011


The Mystic Rose: IN THE AFTERMATH OF HURRICANE IRENE: The actual storm has passed through the Eastern seaboard of the USA, leaving destruction and remnants of roads, towns, homes, people are sti...


The actual storm has passed through the Eastern seaboard of the USA, leaving destruction and remnants of roads, towns, homes, people are still without electricity and some have no homes to return to.  My heart is so sad for all these people.  I have been blessed, my home weathered the storm well.  Today my grandson, Damon and his friend, Jason and myself picked up leaves, broken branches filling up 6 containers, which our local garbage collectors picked up today.  The yard is still full of broken branches and a few smaller trees that fell during the storm...which in the next few days will have to be removed also.   But this is still nothing to what other families have to face in the coming weeks and months.   My neighbors roof still has three large trees sitting on it; awaiting the tree removers to arrive.  The staggering amount of revenue lost and claims to be paid out will probably be in the millions of dollars.

I would like to offer this prayer to all those in their time of need:   "The WILL of GOD will never take you where the GRACE of GOD will not protect you.   GOD OUR FATHER WALK WITH ALL THOSE IN NEED AND TAKE AWAY ALL WORRIES and illnesses and let MIRACLES abound HEALING EACH one of your children here on Earth.     AMEN

This last weekend of August 2011 has made history....after an Earthquake in Virginia and a Hurricane along the coast.   I know my nerves are frayed ...  how are yours?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Earthquake 8-23-11

I wanted to post this event that happened today.  The East Coast, from Virginia up to Maine was hit by a 5.9 quake today.  Epicenter in Mineral Springs, Virginia.  Shock waves went out thru Washington DC up the coast thru Philadelphia, Southern Jersey, New York City.   Far west to Chicago...into Maine.  Another quake hit the Colorado area.  (This was played down as not having to do with the Virginia quake.)  Damage minimal.

A hurricane is churning up the Atlantic...heading up the East coast.

The forecasts for this weekend...unless the storm dies down are not good.

I did not feel the quake here upstairs in my room.  Salvatore felt it downstairs.  I went down to talk to him and I became slightly dizzy.  The feeling lasted in me for a few hrs.   Angela and Mom in Parsippany also felt the quake.  Have to write this down.  My Mom thought she had a Ghost rocking her chair.  I said so you're going to blame Dad for teasing you.  We laughed about that.  Before the quake hit...the dogs in the neighborhood would not stop barking.  Also I had just posted a prayer on facebook, which I post here:  "The Will of God will never take you where The Grace of God will not protect you.  God, Our Father walk through my house and take away all worries and any illnesses.  Please watch over and heal my family in your name. Amen"

This Quake could have been very damaging; but we were spared.    Mother Earth is rocking and rolling, and we are all in it together.   May God Almighty Protect us all!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

My Arboretum day trip/Sun. Aug 21, 2011

Today I decided to do something different and that something different took shape in my traveling to Morristown and visiting the Frelinghuysen Arboretum.   When I do something on the spur of the moment I just do it.  I guess I'm just tired of spending too much alone time at home.   The summer is on the way out already and I just haven't enjoyed any real vacations.   My children are out and about and for some reason my circle of friends has just about disappeared too.  So it was time I took the lead in my own life...I saw an ad for weekend happenings and I took a bottle of water, and my carefree spirit and just got into my Chevy and road on down to Morristown to see the  Morris County Park Commission presentation of Medicinal Plants of the Civil War exhibit, which will be ongoing until the end of September, 2011.    May I also add this was a free admission, too.    If I had a date it would have been a nice Sunday afternoon stroll thru the gardens.   But was just me, myself and I that strolled thru the gardens and wow did we enjoy the day.   Sometimes you just have to get up and get out, even IF you do it alone.   The day was sunny and bright, there were lots of places to relax and enjoy the butterflies, bees (which if you leave them alone they will just go about their business of harvesting the pollen.)  The local squirrels were far to busy and just ignored you too.  I guess there really is no excuse not to enjoy life; because life is all around you, just for the viewing!

Visit Your Library

When was the last time you visited your hometown library?  I attend various events at my library, and it usually costs nothing except the gas to get there.   This past week I attended a historical food lecture of Tea History.  The speaker was Judith Krall Russso, food historian & tea specialist.  Judith was an outstanding lecturer and so very knowledgeable about her passion.   I was totally amazed at her presentation, and maybe because my life has been so limited to my family for so many years, she opened up doors to new thoughts.  "Tea's"!  If anyone cares to contact her here is her website ..    She lectures at events, will do small parties, and so much more.   Judith lives in Fords, N.J.      Remember the local libraries are funded by your taxes
so use them and enjoy the wonder it holds to open up avenues of communications and wonderful mini vacations in the books that you can read.   Jefferson Twsp Library, my hometown opening to the wonders of the world!

Friday, August 19, 2011


Today I almost lost my blog.   No I'm not kidding.   I somehow got disconnected an had to go in to FIND my dashboard.    This is really funny.   I only thought dashboards were in cars.   But then what do I know...I am not that computer smart.  Computers can be run by 3year olds these what does a 68 year old woman think she can do.  Well as you see I am posting a new somehow I was able to find the right spot and I did it without the help of my son..."The Computer Geek."  LOL   NOW TO POST & HOPE IT WORKS.

Sunday, August 7, 2011



by Roseann Procopio on Sunday, August 7, 2011 at 3:04pm
I walked along the beach, feeling the cool rush of the cold New Jersey waves hit against my legs. As I walked I searched the sands for a token of the seas.  I noticed many broken shells and fast moving sea weed.  I bent down and caressed the feel of the water and the spray of the salt,  then I noticed a shinny sea shell.  I picked it up and examined it closely it was perfect.

My mind flashbacked to that one perfect day that we all walked on the boards in Seaside Height, NJ.   Frank and I, holding hands and walking behind our kids: Denise, Andrea and Joe.   I remember that I could see each of my children at the age they were then, and their phantom bodies of them at their younger ages.  Denise, 8, Andrea, 5 & Joseph at 3.   It was a picture perfect day; a day that I felt so good, a day forever eched in my mind.

Now that I am older and alone, the kids grown and married with families of their own - that day was a reflection of the past reminding me that life too passes quickly by.   I cherish this memory and I hope that each of you reading this, will have or have had a special moment in time.    

                                                                  Rose Ann Procopio
                                                                  August 2009

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Change is the biggest thing in your life.    From an infant your life is always changing.   You grow up far too fast and things around you seem to get smaller everyday.   I walked around my home the other day; and I noticed how small it has gotten.   I have far to many things hanging around.   Even though I have been vigorously cleaning and disposing of all the extra's I still have much more to part with.   I have been living in this house since 1973 so that alone causes one to compile lots of stuff.  My children have all move out; and naturally left me a "few" things to hold on to also.   Have you tried to get them to come over and "pick up" their discarded objects.  In one word "HARD"; but do you remember how "HARD" it was to get them to pick up their discarded toys or clothes; well it is the same.  I am ready to "move on"; to part with my things and to relief the sense of "clutter" in my personal life, too.  For some reason unknown to me my children have all become so wise and me not so much.    They feel that because I have gotten "old" 68 I can no longer address my problems or rather solve them.   Well anyhow, I welcome CHANGE and I really LOOK forward to the new horizon's in my life.    How are you doing in your life?